In order for reincarnation to occur after death your mind must remain what scientists call discreet, that it is still you with your awareness. In last month’s installment we showed children who have shown this ability. This month’s question is do we have experimental proof that your mind can reach outside your body to either extract information or send it? This month’s video comes from the Princeton University Engineering Anomalies research Lab. (PEAR)
It is a 15 minute video that distills 25 years of research at Princeton and shows that we do have that ability and we do not understand why.
Simply put the Pear lab took a computer and programmed it to produce an equal number of zero’s and one’s randomly though the course of an hour. Then they interfaced it so you could sit in front of that computer and you would be shown a picture of a boat and a tree. They then wanted you with your intention alone to make one picture appear more than the other. What they found was that the average person could make one picture appear 52% of the time and the other 48% of the time. If a bonded couple sat together they could get a 54/46% result but if 2 women sat down together they could get that 54/46% result in the unintended direction. This proved just with your mind alone you could influence an independent system. Complementary studies at Stanford support this data. The following link is a 2 page paper by Russell Targ that will blow you away and explain governmental applications of this science.
Now what this research shows is that you have this ability. Some of you may have experienced it in some small degree; others may be skeptical or refuse to believe it at all. Next we will discuss how you can develop this ability in you and how you can use this pathway to understand problems you may be having, how to achieve personal growth and how to help others.
Boob Good