Why? Cutting edge discoveries in micro physics, psychology and quantum biology are proving our minds ability to reach beyond our bodies and our deaths.

This is real science-cutting edge science written for the common man.

Just as discoveries in the 20th Century took us from a world of horse drawn travel to a world of space travel the results of today’s exploratory experiments will take us from the idea that death ends our consciousness to the idea that your consciousness will survive your own death. That the afterlife is really that period between lives.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Proof of Reincarnation

What would be considered proof we reincarnate? Something so conclusive we as a society would find it undeniable?

Would it be that we have children all over the world who between the ages of 2 and 7 claim prior lives and know things about those lives they could know in no other way than having lived them?

Would it be the families who the children claim to have lived in accept those children as the people they claim to have been. In short a strange child comes to your door claims to have been your dead relative, and after you spend an hour with them you say yes, this 4 year old was my aunt, or mother who passed away last year.

Would it be near death experiences? Past life regression? Or the fact the description of the afterlife from all of the above claims whether it comes from children or old people is consistent?

Or would you rather rely on math and go with the odds against chance of this happening is billions and billions to one?

How about the fact they proved that consciousness is more permanent than your body? Your body replaces you stomach lining every day, you skin every six weeks, it replaces even the cells in your bones and teeth every two years. Every molecule of the body you had 3 years ago is gone, but your memory of your childhood remains.

Some of the best scientists we have say Psi, the human minds ability  to "know" things it can't possibly know, like clairvoyance or remote viewing, that ability people call the sixth sense is real and has been proven. But all that does it prove the human mind can reach outside the body. Well to have a mind without being bound by a body why would that be part of a proof of reincarnation?

Yet with all this "proof" we cannot accept that reincarnation has been proven.

Its probably easier to accept the fact that there are aliens.

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