Why? Cutting edge discoveries in micro physics, psychology and quantum biology are proving our minds ability to reach beyond our bodies and our deaths.

This is real science-cutting edge science written for the common man.

Just as discoveries in the 20th Century took us from a world of horse drawn travel to a world of space travel the results of today’s exploratory experiments will take us from the idea that death ends our consciousness to the idea that your consciousness will survive your own death. That the afterlife is really that period between lives.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Todays linked in comments about the "Science" in the science of reincarnation

Person who wrote        Science supporting reincarnation? Can you provide us with a link to an actual scientific report that tells us they support reincarnation. Are you sure you're not confusing the word science for your personal religious beliefs? 28m ago
  • Bob GoodDeleteBob Good oh absolutly, that is the point, the science not my belief. Start at The book is an overview of the science using the standard scientific method. You will find a working sylabus there. In its narative it will take you to Stanford, Princeton, and UVA to show you the individual work by peered reviewed respected scientists and how the overall nature of thier collective work make more than a compelling case, it may be the propable case. Less than a minute ago
  • Sunday, June 9, 2013

    This is reprinted from the Schwartz Report which reprinted it from the Raw Story. What does this have to do with reincarnation? The science supporting reincarnation comes from a variety of sources, this is our using non locality in the lab. Your consciousness has a non local component to it and we are pressing on with our scientific understanding of it.

    A new milestone has been reached in the development of a practical quantum teleportation system - researchers have for the first time succeeded in the teleportation of information between two separate clouds of gas atoms, over long-distances. And not just once, the method is apparently already extremely reliable - working every single time that it’s been attempted.

    There are two glass containers, each containing a cloud of billions of caesium gas atoms. Both glass containers are enclosed in a chamber with a magnetic field. The two glass containers are not connected to each other, but information is teleported from the one glass cloud to the other by means of laser light.

    It’s been possible for quite some time now to 'teleport” information on the quantum level from light to light. And a couple of years back, the same researchers who reached this recent milestone were able to teleport information between between light and gas atoms for the first time. But this new achievement takes that a step further - achieving a very reliable means of gas to gas quantum teleportation over long-distances.

    'It is a very important step for quantum information research to have achieved such stable results that every attempt will succeed,” says Eugene Polzik, professor and head of the research center Quantop at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen.

    The new experiments were performed in the labs of the research group, located under the Niels Bohr Institute. It’s setup so that there are two glass containers, each of which contains a cloud of gas - composed of billions of caesium gas atoms.

    The press release gets into the specifics:

    The two glass containers are not connected to each other, but information is teleported from the one glass cloud to the other by means of laser light. The light is sent into the first glass container and then that strange quantum phenomenon takes place, the light and gas become entangled. The fact that they are entangled means that they have established a quantum link - they are synchronised.

    Both glass containers are enclosed in a chamber with a magnetic field and when the laser light (with a specific wavelength) hits the gas atoms, the outermost electrons in the atoms react -like magnetic needles - by pointing in the same direction. The direction can be up or down, and it is this direction that makes up quantum information, in the same way that regular computer information is made up of the numbers 0 and 1.

    The gas now emits photons (light particles) containing quantum information. The light is sent on to the other gas container and the quantum information is now read from the light and registered by a detector. The signal from the detector is sent back to the first container and the direction of the atoms’ electrons are adjusted in relation to the signal. This completes the teleportation from the second to the first container.

    The research and experiments are done at room temperature, which means that the gas atoms are moving rather rapidly - at a speed of 200 meters per second in the glass container. This creates a problem of sorts - when the atoms bump into the glass wall, they lose the information that they have been encoded with. To address this the researchers applied a rather common-sense, simple and effective solution.

    'We use a coating of a kind of paraffin on the interior of the glass contains and it causes the gas atoms to not lose their coding, even if they bump into the glass wall,” says Professor Eugene Polzik. 'It sounds like an easy solution, but in reality it was complicated to develop the method. Another element of the experiment was to develop the detector that registers the photons.”

    For this, a particularly sensitive detector was developed over time - it’s effective enough at detecting the photons, that, as of now, it has worked every single time.

    Obviously though, lab tests are one thing, cost-effective useful application in the world is another. 'In the experiment, the teleportation’s range is ½ meter - hardly impressive in a world where information must be transported around the world in no time.”

    'The range of ½ meter is entirely due to the size of the laboratory,” states Eugene Polzik. 'We could increase the range if we had the space and, in principle, we could teleport information, for example, to a satellite.”

    But the range really isn’t that important, the real success of this recent research is with regards to how reliable the new method is - paving the way towards what the researchers think will be the 'quantum communication network of the future.”

    The new technique was recently detailed in a paper published in the scientific journal Nature Physics.

    Saturday, June 8, 2013

    Where is memory stored part 2
    But there needs to be a dual theory. If mind and memory are diffused wave patterns, then there has to be a theory of how they interact with our bodies on the macro level.

              It appears that on the quantum level, there is no sophisticated theory to incorporate the energy in your body into biology. We measure the electromagnetic pulses of the heart in an electrocardiogram, and we’re always improving our imaging of brain scans, but the energy patterns of the body itself are only at the very early stages of being mapped, and it is these energy pulses that create the same kind of interference patterns that you see in a hologram. These energy pulses also create auras, which we’re able to capture on certain types of film, and it is these auras that can reach out and intersect other energy pulses that everything around us emits. We are, in essence, reducing our bodies into simple energy for such analyses.

    In the 1600s, blood was just blood, and when a man was ill, it was because he had some bad blood. So, the doctors cut him and drained out the bad blood. Today, we know that blood is not merely some red liquid coursing through our bodies that needs to be drained when we have any sort of disease. It’s a life-giving solution rife with white cells, red cells, plasma, leucocytes, and all sorts of things that are carried through our body. Today, however, our view of our body’s energy patterns is just as primitive as the seventeenth century’s ideas about blood. Three hundred years from now we may have a more detailed knowledge of the body’s energy patterns, because right now we are finding that these energy patterns can intersect and interact with other energy patterns at the quantum level, resulting in the ability to carry vast amounts of information.

    But our bodies are designed to limit this information. We have built-in blind spots that do not prevent us from seeing some of  the reality of this life, but that do prevent us from seeing the greater reality around us. We hear in a certain range and see in certain wave lengths. We cannot see infrared wave lengths, but they exist.

    I do not want to speculate here about the purpose of life, but I do want us to acknowledge and accept as truth that which science can replicate and repeat.

    Scientifically, then, how do we separate mind and body for the point of this discussion? If our memories are stored holographically throughout our bodies, how do we separate mind and body?


    Where is memory stored
    Ask yourself, “where is memory stored?” “It is stored in the mind” is a good answer, for the mind must access your memory to operate, so that you can be you. Scientists have been researching memory, trying to determine where and how it is housed.

               For over thirty years, the great neuropsychologist Karl Lashley worked at the Yerkes Laboratory of Primate Biology when it was located in Orange Park, Florida, where he was involved in an ongoing search for the elusive mechanisms responsible for memory. There Dr. Karl Pribram was able to witness the fruits of Lashley’s labors firsthand. Dr. Pribram was another scientist (and professor) working on the holographic brain theory. This was in 1946.

              During his tenure, Lashley trained rats on different tasks, such as running a maze. He tested their performance, then surgically removed various portions of their brains and tested them again. His aim was, literally, to cut out their memory. Where was it? Which section of the rats’ brain remembered the maze? He reasoned that ultimately, he would burn the part of the brain that housed that memory—and perhaps memory in general—with his wife’s curling iron. The experiment was a bit crude, but again, this was the 1940s.

    However, “to his surprise, he found that no matter what portion of their brains he cut out, he could not eradicate their memories. Often, the rats’ motor skills were impaired and they stumbled clumsily through the mazes, but even with massive portions of their brains removed, their memories remained stubbornly intact” (Talbot 2001, 12–13). No matter what part of their brain was burned, the rats were always able to navigate the maze.

    Working with Lashley was a young neurosurgery resident named Karl Pribram. “For Pribram, these were incredible findings. If memories possessed specific locations in the brain the same way that books possess specific locations on library shelves, why didn’t Lashley’s surgical plunderings have any effect on them? For Pribram, the only answer seemed to be that memories were not localized at specific brain sites, but were somehow spread out or distributed throughout the brain as a whole.” However, they were both left with no answer to the question of how memory could be stored throughout the brain until the mid-1960s, when Pribram read an article in Scientific American describing the first construction of a hologram.

              Holography exists thanks to a phenomenon called interference. Interference is the crisscrossing pattern that occurs when two or more waves, such as waves of water, ripple through each other. For example, if you drop a pebble into a pond, it will produce a series of concentric waves that expands outward. If you drop two pebbles into a pond, you will get two sets of waves that expand and pass through one another. The complex arrangement of crests and troughs that results from such collisions is known as an interference pattern.

              Any wavelike phenomena can create an interference pattern, including light and radio waves. Because laser light is an extremely pure, coherent form of light, it is especially good at creating interference patterns. It provides, in essence, the perfect pebble. As a result, it wasn’t until the invention of the laser that holograms, as we know them today, became possible. These are the holograms you are likely most familiar with.

              A hologram is produced when a single laser light is split into two separate beams. The first beam is bounced off the object to be photographed. Then the second beam is allowed to collide with the reflected light of the first. When this happens, they create an interference pattern which is then recorded on a piece of film.

              To the naked eye, the image on the film looks nothing at all like the object photographed. In fact, it even looks a little like the concentric rings that form when a handful of pebbles is tossed into a pond. But as soon as another laser beam (or in some instances a bright light) is shined through the film, a three-dimensional image of the original object reappears. The three-dimensionality of such images is often eerily convincing. You can actually walk around a holographic projection and view it from different angles as you would a real object. However, if you reach out and try to touch it, your hand will waft right through it and you will discover there is nothing solid, just light (Talbot 2001, 14–15).

              There is, however, another fascinating trait about holographic film besides its ability to display three-dimensional images.

    Three-dimensionality is not the only remarkable aspect of holograms. If a piece of holographic film containing the image of an apple is cut in half and then illuminated by a laser, each half will still be found to contain the entire image of the apple! Even if the halves are divided again and then again, an entire apple can still be reconstructed from each small portion of the film (although the images will get hazier as the portions get smaller). Unlike normal photographs, every small fragment of a piece of holographic film contains all the information recorded in the whole.

              This was precisely the feature that got Pribram so excited, for it offered at last a way of understanding how memories could be distributed rather than localized in the brain. If it was possible for every portion of a piece of holographic film to contain all the information necessary to create a whole image, then it seemed equally possible for every part of the brain to contain all of the information necessary to recall a whole memory (Talbot 2001, 16–17).   

              Here is where it becomes interesting. If you cut the holographic film you made of a person in half and shine a laser through each half, you get two complete holograms of your person. Cut your film into ten or one hundred pieces and you get ten or one hundred complete holograms of that person, one for every little scrap of film, thanks to interference. Even though the image from the film gets fuzzier with every subsequent cut, each slice of the film contains the entire image.  

    So, do we have evidence of this kind of thing at the macro level?

    In 1988, Claire Sylvia received a heart and double lung transplant. Following the operation, she underwent some apparent personality changes: she began to have unusual (for her) cravings for beer, green peppers, and chicken nuggets; she dreamt about beautiful women and experienced homosexual urges. She also dreamt of meetings with a young man called Tim. Alarmed, Sylvia sought out her donor’s family and discovered her new organs had belonged to an 18-year-old boy. His name was Tim. Tim had a penchant for the same foods she was craving—he was actually eating chicken nuggets when he died—and Sylvia felt he was the boy in her dreams. (Talbot 2001, 154–155)

    So what does this show? Your memory is stored holographically throughout your entire body. Your mind must be able to access your memory, so your mind must be able to operate throughout your entire body.

    Why is remote viewing supportive of the argument proving reincarnation?

    First of all remote viewing has not only been proven but the best physicists in the world say "We should no longer spend research money on trying to prove this phenomenon but should spend research money on learning how to better use this proven ability."

    So then why does this support the science of reincarnation? It is something called proof of concept. In order to prove reincarnation first you must prove the human mind is capable of being outside the human body. Then you must prove every other phenomenon lines up with this explanation.

    Remote viewing has proven we can look anywhere at any time. Russell Targ, the scientist who lead and developed the remote viewing protocols for the CIA and the Army at Stanford University said in a lecture to the Russians that nothing can be kept secret anymore. His remote viewers were able to read file names in locked file cabinets at CIA headquarters.

    So why should this well documented research support the scientific idea of reincarnation? It is not enough as religions claim, to say that your Soul contains your consciousness. If that is the case then our Soul should exhibit the same abilities when it resides in our body as it does after our deaths. In short your mind should be able to exist in other places than your body in order to prove reincarnation. Remote viewing shows that time and space are not physical limitations to your minds ability to look, or travel, to what you want to see.

    So how does this line up with other phenomenon that we see. Clairvoyance is a form of remote viewing. Remote viewing is targeted; clairvoyance can be but occasionally happens to all of us. Each one of us has these abilities, some have a talent for it, or can do it better, but all of us can do it. Clairvoyance is just another facet of this phenomenon. But can these abilities exist without your body? That would prove the soul.

    Well the body that you had 2 years ago no longer exists. You stomach lining is replaced every day, your skin every 6 weeks, every molecule in the enamel of your teeth and you bones every two years. So who are you?

    What is permanent about you is your consciousness, not your physical being. You wear this form for a period of time and then shed it like you shed the body of the child you were.

    A blog is about short ideas. Its great for simple presentations but for complex arguments it takes installments. Follow-ups to this argument will be the location of memory, where it is stored and how it is stored. If your body changes every two years completely then how do you remember what happened when you were a child? If you can do that then why is surprising that some children remember prior lives?

    Friday, March 22, 2013



    1 Allah wants Israel to exist


              Sciences make predictions about our reality. Physical sciences make predictions that have social and religious consequences. Here is a prototypical example.


              Galileo discovered the sun is the center of the solar system. For his discovery the Catholic Church sentenced him to house arrest. It took the church 350 years for the church to admit it was wrong.


              So how does the science of reincarnation show that Allah wants Israel to exist? First science exposes the mind of god. What we are seeing is that if a Muslim suicide bomber blows himself up in Israel he can be reincarnated as a Jew.


              This is type of event we see in children the University of Virginia has studied. Here are 2 examples. We see children in Burma and India who claim to have been a Japanese soldier who dies there during WWII. They still retain an appetite for Japanese food. We also see children in England who claim to have been German pilots shot down there during WWII.


              What this science is showing is that we are all interconnected. When Jews pray they get the same statistical response that Muslims get when they pray.  This statistical effect is the same for both groups. In fact the statistical result is the same for any religious or spiritual group. 


              This science is not for or against any religious group. It simply seeks to quantify effects, such as the efficacy of prayer, and describe the reality we all live in accurately. There are cases such as this, where the science is at odds with the politics or religion of a group like Hamas or the Iranian leadership.


              If you are a Muslim reading this please consult with the Iranian Atomic Commission to see if the claims the Science of Reincarnation makes about non local consciousness is true. There are places that this science validates the Islamic beliefs.


              The Science of Reincarnation proves that:


    If you pray to Allah praying gets a statistical response.


    This science shows the afterlife that Islam promises is validated by the science of reincarnation. In short, this science proves a continuing form of consciousness after death. The conditions it describes there can be found in the observations section of the web site. The conditions are the same regardless of your religion; the science seems to show we are all treated uniformly as human beings regardless of belief.


              What the issue becomes is that while the science proves this for Islam it also proves it for Judaism, and Catholicism and Hinduism.


              In fact if a Jew prays to Allah sincerely or a Muslim prays to Yahweh they will each be heard. What this science shows is that you will be heard and can have an effect regardless of your belief.


              That Hamas or Iran wants Israel destroyed is a desire that is against Islam itself.


              This does not mean Israel is not without responsibility in this. Israel is subject to the same science in the same way. Building Israeli settlements on Palestinian land is provoking as much a response as is the rockets fired into Israel. The position of Hamas or the funding by the Iranians simply fans the flames. This science provides a basis for a common denomination regarding settlement of hostilities.



    The force of change-Nuns

    A case in point for the resistance of religious authority to the acceptance of reincarnation as a science is the treatment of nuns by the Catholic Church.

    The template for this treatment is a Patriarchal hierarchy that was established centuries ago that is resistant to change because it does not want to give up power. This type of behavior is not just the province of the Catholic Church but also Islam and Judaism as well. For the moment though lets stick with the Catholics. The science of reincarnation is about discovery, not dogma. The church in its wisdom is against this science because it proves reincarnation. To be clear the science of reincarnation has shown some souls may not reincarnate so in those cases its findings are consistent with the description of resurrection as described by the churches liturgy. We also know that the church is slow to accept scientific advancements; the example of Galileo we discussed in a prior blog is an example. But are there any cases that come to mind where the church accepts cutting edge science.

    In the 1970's the leading fertility drug for women was a drug manufactured by Akzo, a large European pharmaceutical manufacturer, called Primarin, which was made from the urine of pregnant mares. Akzo then discovered an even more powerful fertility drug which could be made from the urine of post menopausal women. This drug was called Humegon. The problem Akzo faced was to find a female population of post menopausal women that was celibate, so their urine could not be contaminated by sperm, because the testosterone would render the fertility inducing capability of the female urine less effective.  Akzo found that population in the cloistered nun population of Europe.

    For the next 15 years Akzo would regularly pick up tanker cars of nun urine at the nunneries and pay the Catholic Church handsomely. This was a win win situation for both parties and was theologically consistent with the Catholic Churches views. Ultimately Akzo was able to synthesize this drug and no longer required the urine to make Humegon. The last batches of Humegon were made in 2001. But why is this important?

    Because the church can act swiftly on breaking scientific news when it meets their ends, and oh so slowly, see the 350 years it took to right the wrong of the Galileo misstep, when it doesn't meet their ends.

    It is time for the church to reform itself.  The nuns trying to reform the church must hold onto one idea, because they are not just fighting for themselves but all women of every religion. That idea is simply this there is no religion higher than the truth.

    It is time for them to assert their own divinity and in the process heal the Catholic Church.

    Wednesday, March 20, 2013

    Proof of Reincarnation

    What would be considered proof we reincarnate? Something so conclusive we as a society would find it undeniable?

    Would it be that we have children all over the world who between the ages of 2 and 7 claim prior lives and know things about those lives they could know in no other way than having lived them?

    Would it be the families who the children claim to have lived in accept those children as the people they claim to have been. In short a strange child comes to your door claims to have been your dead relative, and after you spend an hour with them you say yes, this 4 year old was my aunt, or mother who passed away last year.

    Would it be near death experiences? Past life regression? Or the fact the description of the afterlife from all of the above claims whether it comes from children or old people is consistent?

    Or would you rather rely on math and go with the odds against chance of this happening is billions and billions to one?

    How about the fact they proved that consciousness is more permanent than your body? Your body replaces you stomach lining every day, you skin every six weeks, it replaces even the cells in your bones and teeth every two years. Every molecule of the body you had 3 years ago is gone, but your memory of your childhood remains.

    Some of the best scientists we have say Psi, the human minds ability  to "know" things it can't possibly know, like clairvoyance or remote viewing, that ability people call the sixth sense is real and has been proven. But all that does it prove the human mind can reach outside the body. Well to have a mind without being bound by a body why would that be part of a proof of reincarnation?

    Yet with all this "proof" we cannot accept that reincarnation has been proven.

    Its probably easier to accept the fact that there are aliens.

    Tuesday, March 19, 2013


    Religious authority is about power. That is why religious authority cannot accept the science of reincarnation. It changes the source of authority from dogma to discovery.  At one time the Catholic Church imprisoned Galileo for saying the earth was not the center of the universe. 350 years later they apologized to Galileo and then the pope said there may be life on other planets. The point is that the church, however slowly, needed to respond to the advance of science.

    Science is now overwhelming pointing to the fact that we reincarnate. It seems we change sexes, change religions, even if in one life we deny reincarnation exists, in another life we may embrace that belief.

    We have proven that consciousness is more permanent than our bodies, proven we all have the ability to reach outside our bodies with our minds. Most call it a sixth sense, or psi, or ESP, but scientists at Princeton and Stanford accept this as fact.

    The threat to organized religion from the science of reincarnation is not about its destruction but about its homogenization. After all religious belief can be used as another proof to what the science of reincarnation is seeking to prove, a continued form of awareness after death. But science has a way of democratizing information. It does not create denominations but rather creates a common denomination. Instead of separating us into Catholics Muslims Jews Buddhists and Hindus it treats us all the same and makes us common, we are all human.

    It takes power from the priest rabbi and imam and gives it to the person. That is the real threat of the science of reincarnation because this science has the power to change the world.

    How? Women are not second class anything, they should be taught, ordained and treated equal to men in all religions. Color of any race is irrelevant. We are equal as peoples. This is not a science of socialism. The science of reincarnation shows that earth is a one room school house with all grades present. Effort and ability separate us so we have an equal right to be unequal. It is so we can learn what we were sent here to learn. But learning something like this and effecting this kind of change will overturn the social and cultural structure of, India, Pakistan, Iran Saudi Arabia, Korea, The United States, oh just about everywhere.

    Saturday, March 9, 2013

    Let us suppose for an instant that science is able to prove conclusively that we reincarnate. Could we deal with that? What would happen?
    Would the religions of the world want this to happen? How would the politicians handle it?
    Here is the conundrum. The speculation of the result is in the realm of science fiction. The fact is though is that science is getting closer and closer to the proof. But lets speculate for a second.
    The politicians would rush to try to control the new space. Just as we are trying to control who owns the genetics of grain, or disease we would have power stuggles to control the afterlife. We would name it and try to own it like we do stars.
    Militarily we would want to "protect it" from whoever we didn't like. "Can't let those godless commies take it over, wouldn't be right."
    The religious would want to claim it as thier own. Problem for them is it would shake up their earth bound power structure. If the science we are seeing is true, that is according to the studies at the university of Virginia, we reincarnate in different sexes in different lives. Younger souls tend to reincarnate as one sex primarily but older souls tend to reicnarnate 50% 50% in each sex.
    I didn't make that up, that's UVA's information on children under the age of 7 who claim prior lives.
    So then how does sharia law change, becasue todays Imam is tomorrows daughter. How do the preists deny woman from being in the clergy when in the next life they will be the women they deny?
    When you think about the Catholics priests did not become celebate until the 12th century and then it was becasue the church did not want children of preists to inherit church property. Again all true.
    If the pope could step down for the first time in 600 years why can't the church change a doctrine only 800 years old. After all it only took them 350 years to apologise to Galileo.
    More fact, the Chinese have passed a law that sayd the Dali Lama must reincarnate on Chinese soil. I wonder how that went over in the afterlife. OK I am starting to blog. Please buy my books, the sciecne fiction is fun and the science is real.

    Tuesday, February 5, 2013


    In order for reincarnation to occur after death your mind must remain what scientists call discreet, that it is still you with your awareness. In last month’s installment we showed children who have shown this ability. This month’s question is do we have experimental proof that your mind can reach outside your body to either extract information or send it? This month’s video comes from the Princeton University Engineering Anomalies research Lab. (PEAR)

    It is a 15 minute video that distills 25 years of research at Princeton and shows that we do have that ability and we do not understand why.
    Simply put the Pear lab took a computer and programmed it to produce an equal number of zero’s and one’s randomly though the course of an hour. Then they interfaced it so you could sit in front of that computer and you would be shown a picture of a boat and a tree. They then wanted you with your intention alone to make one picture appear more than the other. What they found was that the average person could make one picture appear 52% of the time and the other 48% of the time. If a bonded couple sat together they could get a 54/46% result but if 2 women sat down together they could get that 54/46% result in the unintended direction. This proved just with your mind alone you could influence an independent system. Complementary studies at Stanford support this data. The following link is a 2 page paper by Russell Targ that will blow you away and explain governmental applications of this science.

    Now what this research shows is that you have this ability. Some of you may have experienced it in some small degree; others may be skeptical or refuse to believe it at all. Next we will discuss how you can develop this ability in you and how you can use this pathway to understand problems you may be having, how to achieve personal growth and how to help others.

    Boob Good

    My name is Bob Good and I will be writing on ongoing Blog on the Science of Reincarnation. Specifically this column will address the many ways this emerging science affects you in regards to wellness, personal growth and understanding the emerging social and political changes all around us. Many of you are not aware of this science and its implications so we need to create a brief baseline. In light of the discoveries of the last 40 years reincarnation can now be considered a science because it meets the criteria of being a science; it has observations, experiments, theory and hypothesis and has a paradigm. It is being done already at places like Princeton, Stanford, the University of Miami and the University of Virginia. So before we talk about the effects of this science on you, look at this 5 minute video. It will make the hair on the back of your neck stand on end in a good way.

    Now this is an anomaly, something our current science understanding cannot explain, a child who between the ages of 2 and 5 claims to have lived before and when presented to the people who he claims he knew in a past life is accepted by those people who knew the person he claimed to have been and they accept that child as that person. The University of Virginia has collected more than 3000 cases of such children and is coding this data base currently for 200 variables.

    You can visit to learn more about his emerging science and who is doing this research. Some examples of how this science is applied are as follows:

    Politically The Government of China has passed a law that the Dali Lama must reincarnate on Chinese soil.

    Sexually this science refutes the binary narrative of sex and gender and shows it to be a spectrum, anecdotal information from a variety of studies seems to indicate that younger souls reincarnate predominantly in one sex but older souls reincarnate 50/50 in each sex.
    Religiously this science has taken prayer into the lab and shows that it works, and the anecdotal studies have shown that souls may choose not to reincarnate which would validate the belief in resurrection.

    In the coming months we will focus on each discipline of this science and how it applies to you personally, no matter who you are or where you are in the world-

    Bob Good