Why? Cutting edge discoveries in micro physics, psychology and quantum biology are proving our minds ability to reach beyond our bodies and our deaths.

This is real science-cutting edge science written for the common man.

Just as discoveries in the 20th Century took us from a world of horse drawn travel to a world of space travel the results of today’s exploratory experiments will take us from the idea that death ends our consciousness to the idea that your consciousness will survive your own death. That the afterlife is really that period between lives.

Friday, March 22, 2013



1 Allah wants Israel to exist


          Sciences make predictions about our reality. Physical sciences make predictions that have social and religious consequences. Here is a prototypical example.


          Galileo discovered the sun is the center of the solar system. For his discovery the Catholic Church sentenced him to house arrest. It took the church 350 years for the church to admit it was wrong.


          So how does the science of reincarnation show that Allah wants Israel to exist? First science exposes the mind of god. What we are seeing is that if a Muslim suicide bomber blows himself up in Israel he can be reincarnated as a Jew.


          This is type of event we see in children the University of Virginia has studied. Here are 2 examples. We see children in Burma and India who claim to have been a Japanese soldier who dies there during WWII. They still retain an appetite for Japanese food. We also see children in England who claim to have been German pilots shot down there during WWII.


          What this science is showing is that we are all interconnected. When Jews pray they get the same statistical response that Muslims get when they pray.  This statistical effect is the same for both groups. In fact the statistical result is the same for any religious or spiritual group. 


          This science is not for or against any religious group. It simply seeks to quantify effects, such as the efficacy of prayer, and describe the reality we all live in accurately. There are cases such as this, where the science is at odds with the politics or religion of a group like Hamas or the Iranian leadership.


          If you are a Muslim reading this please consult with the Iranian Atomic Commission to see if the claims the Science of Reincarnation makes about non local consciousness is true. There are places that this science validates the Islamic beliefs.


          The Science of Reincarnation proves that:


If you pray to Allah praying gets a statistical response.


This science shows the afterlife that Islam promises is validated by the science of reincarnation. In short, this science proves a continuing form of consciousness after death. The conditions it describes there can be found in the observations section of the web site. The conditions are the same regardless of your religion; the science seems to show we are all treated uniformly as human beings regardless of belief.


          What the issue becomes is that while the science proves this for Islam it also proves it for Judaism, and Catholicism and Hinduism.


          In fact if a Jew prays to Allah sincerely or a Muslim prays to Yahweh they will each be heard. What this science shows is that you will be heard and can have an effect regardless of your belief.


          That Hamas or Iran wants Israel destroyed is a desire that is against Islam itself.


          This does not mean Israel is not without responsibility in this. Israel is subject to the same science in the same way. Building Israeli settlements on Palestinian land is provoking as much a response as is the rockets fired into Israel. The position of Hamas or the funding by the Iranians simply fans the flames. This science provides a basis for a common denomination regarding settlement of hostilities.



The force of change-Nuns

A case in point for the resistance of religious authority to the acceptance of reincarnation as a science is the treatment of nuns by the Catholic Church.

The template for this treatment is a Patriarchal hierarchy that was established centuries ago that is resistant to change because it does not want to give up power. This type of behavior is not just the province of the Catholic Church but also Islam and Judaism as well. For the moment though lets stick with the Catholics. The science of reincarnation is about discovery, not dogma. The church in its wisdom is against this science because it proves reincarnation. To be clear the science of reincarnation has shown some souls may not reincarnate so in those cases its findings are consistent with the description of resurrection as described by the churches liturgy. We also know that the church is slow to accept scientific advancements; the example of Galileo we discussed in a prior blog is an example. But are there any cases that come to mind where the church accepts cutting edge science.

In the 1970's the leading fertility drug for women was a drug manufactured by Akzo, a large European pharmaceutical manufacturer, called Primarin, which was made from the urine of pregnant mares. Akzo then discovered an even more powerful fertility drug which could be made from the urine of post menopausal women. This drug was called Humegon. The problem Akzo faced was to find a female population of post menopausal women that was celibate, so their urine could not be contaminated by sperm, because the testosterone would render the fertility inducing capability of the female urine less effective.  Akzo found that population in the cloistered nun population of Europe.

For the next 15 years Akzo would regularly pick up tanker cars of nun urine at the nunneries and pay the Catholic Church handsomely. This was a win win situation for both parties and was theologically consistent with the Catholic Churches views. Ultimately Akzo was able to synthesize this drug and no longer required the urine to make Humegon. The last batches of Humegon were made in 2001. But why is this important?

Because the church can act swiftly on breaking scientific news when it meets their ends, and oh so slowly, see the 350 years it took to right the wrong of the Galileo misstep, when it doesn't meet their ends.

It is time for the church to reform itself.  The nuns trying to reform the church must hold onto one idea, because they are not just fighting for themselves but all women of every religion. That idea is simply this there is no religion higher than the truth.

It is time for them to assert their own divinity and in the process heal the Catholic Church.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Proof of Reincarnation

What would be considered proof we reincarnate? Something so conclusive we as a society would find it undeniable?

Would it be that we have children all over the world who between the ages of 2 and 7 claim prior lives and know things about those lives they could know in no other way than having lived them?

Would it be the families who the children claim to have lived in accept those children as the people they claim to have been. In short a strange child comes to your door claims to have been your dead relative, and after you spend an hour with them you say yes, this 4 year old was my aunt, or mother who passed away last year.

Would it be near death experiences? Past life regression? Or the fact the description of the afterlife from all of the above claims whether it comes from children or old people is consistent?

Or would you rather rely on math and go with the odds against chance of this happening is billions and billions to one?

How about the fact they proved that consciousness is more permanent than your body? Your body replaces you stomach lining every day, you skin every six weeks, it replaces even the cells in your bones and teeth every two years. Every molecule of the body you had 3 years ago is gone, but your memory of your childhood remains.

Some of the best scientists we have say Psi, the human minds ability  to "know" things it can't possibly know, like clairvoyance or remote viewing, that ability people call the sixth sense is real and has been proven. But all that does it prove the human mind can reach outside the body. Well to have a mind without being bound by a body why would that be part of a proof of reincarnation?

Yet with all this "proof" we cannot accept that reincarnation has been proven.

Its probably easier to accept the fact that there are aliens.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Religious authority is about power. That is why religious authority cannot accept the science of reincarnation. It changes the source of authority from dogma to discovery.  At one time the Catholic Church imprisoned Galileo for saying the earth was not the center of the universe. 350 years later they apologized to Galileo and then the pope said there may be life on other planets. The point is that the church, however slowly, needed to respond to the advance of science.

Science is now overwhelming pointing to the fact that we reincarnate. It seems we change sexes, change religions, even if in one life we deny reincarnation exists, in another life we may embrace that belief.

We have proven that consciousness is more permanent than our bodies, proven we all have the ability to reach outside our bodies with our minds. Most call it a sixth sense, or psi, or ESP, but scientists at Princeton and Stanford accept this as fact.

The threat to organized religion from the science of reincarnation is not about its destruction but about its homogenization. After all religious belief can be used as another proof to what the science of reincarnation is seeking to prove, a continued form of awareness after death. But science has a way of democratizing information. It does not create denominations but rather creates a common denomination. Instead of separating us into Catholics Muslims Jews Buddhists and Hindus it treats us all the same and makes us common, we are all human.

It takes power from the priest rabbi and imam and gives it to the person. That is the real threat of the science of reincarnation because this science has the power to change the world.

How? Women are not second class anything, they should be taught, ordained and treated equal to men in all religions. Color of any race is irrelevant. We are equal as peoples. This is not a science of socialism. The science of reincarnation shows that earth is a one room school house with all grades present. Effort and ability separate us so we have an equal right to be unequal. It is so we can learn what we were sent here to learn. But learning something like this and effecting this kind of change will overturn the social and cultural structure of, India, Pakistan, Iran Saudi Arabia, Korea, The United States, oh just about everywhere.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Let us suppose for an instant that science is able to prove conclusively that we reincarnate. Could we deal with that? What would happen?
Would the religions of the world want this to happen? How would the politicians handle it?
Here is the conundrum. The speculation of the result is in the realm of science fiction. The fact is though is that science is getting closer and closer to the proof. But lets speculate for a second.
The politicians would rush to try to control the new space. Just as we are trying to control who owns the genetics of grain, or disease we would have power stuggles to control the afterlife. We would name it and try to own it like we do stars.
Militarily we would want to "protect it" from whoever we didn't like. "Can't let those godless commies take it over, wouldn't be right."
The religious would want to claim it as thier own. Problem for them is it would shake up their earth bound power structure. If the science we are seeing is true, that is according to the studies at the university of Virginia, we reincarnate in different sexes in different lives. Younger souls tend to reincarnate as one sex primarily but older souls tend to reicnarnate 50% 50% in each sex.
I didn't make that up, that's UVA's information on children under the age of 7 who claim prior lives.
So then how does sharia law change, becasue todays Imam is tomorrows daughter. How do the preists deny woman from being in the clergy when in the next life they will be the women they deny?
When you think about the Catholics priests did not become celebate until the 12th century and then it was becasue the church did not want children of preists to inherit church property. Again all true.
If the pope could step down for the first time in 600 years why can't the church change a doctrine only 800 years old. After all it only took them 350 years to apologise to Galileo.
More fact, the Chinese have passed a law that sayd the Dali Lama must reincarnate on Chinese soil. I wonder how that went over in the afterlife. OK I am starting to blog. Please buy my books, the sciecne fiction is fun and the science is real.